

Lee, D., Osgood, N., Lin, Y.R. and Thomson, R. (Editors) 2017. Social, Cultural, and Behavioral

Modeling. Springer International Publishing. 2017. LNCS Volume 10354. ISBN 978-

3319602394. 358pp.

Xu K., Reitter D., Lee D., Osgood, N. (Editors) 2016. “ Social, Cultural and Behavioral-Cultural

Modeling”. Springer International Publishing. 2016. LNCS Volume 9708. ISBN 978-3-319-

39930-0. [e-Book version also available; ISBN 978-3-319-39931-7]. 412pp.

Agarwal, N., Xu, K., Osgood, N. (Editors) 2015. “ Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural

Modeling and Prediction”. Springer International Publishing. 2015. LNCS Volume 9021. ISBN

978-3-319-16267-6. [e-Book version also available; ISBN 978-3-319-16268-3]. 472pp.

Rahmandad, H., Oliva R., Osgood, N. (Editors). 2015. Analytical Handbook for Dynamic

Modelers, Cambridge, MA. MIT Press, November 13, 2015. 448pp. ISBN 978-0262029490.

Expository and Review Articles

Stanley, K., Osgood, N. 2011. The potential of sensor-based monitoring as a tool for health care,

health promotion, and research. Invited (to N.D.O) Editorial in Annals of Family Medicine.

2011. 9:296-298. (Impact Factor 4.5. Google Scholar gives 24 citations as of August 2016.)

Book Chapters

Osgood, N. “Simulation Modeling in Population Health and Healthcare Research”, Chapter in

Apostolopoulos Y, Lich KH, Lemke MK. 2019. Complex Systems and Population Health: A

Primer, Oxford University Press, In Press. 2019.

McLean, A., Osgood, N., Newstead-Angel, J., Stanley, K., Knowles, D., van der Kamp, W., Qian,

W ., and Dyck, R. 2017. Chapter in Lau, F., Bartle-Clar, J., Bliss, G., Brycki, E., Courtney, K.,

Kuo, A. Building research capacity: results of a feasibility study using a novel mHealth

epidemiological data collection system within a gestational diabetes population. Building

Capacity for Health Informatics in the Future, IOS Press, Inc. ISBN 978-1-61499-741-2. [e-Book

version also available; ISBN 978-1-61499-742-9] 234:238. p228.

Osgood N. 2017. “Frontiers in Health Modeling.” Chapter in El-Sayed and A Galea, Editors,

Systems Science and Population Health. Oxford University Press.

Hammond R., Osgood N., Wolfson W. 2016. “Using Complex Systems Simulation Modeling to

Understand Health Inequality”. Chapter 2 in Kaplan G.A., Diez Roux A., Galea S., Simon C.P.,

Editors, Growing Inequality: Bridging Complex Systems, Health Disparities, and Population

Health, Westphalia Press, 2016.

Kreuger K., Flint R., Osgood N. 2016. “Beyond Drill and Fill: Modeling the Impacts of Risk[1]based Care on Oral

Health Disparities”. Chapter 11 in Kaplan G.A., Diez Roux A., Galea S.,

Simon C.P., Editors, Growing Inequality: Bridging Complex Systems, Health Disparities, and

Population Health, Westphalia Press, 2016.

McPhee-Knowles S., Osgood N. 2016. “Agent-based Models and Health Oriented Mobile

T echnologies”. Chapter in Kaplan G.A., Diez Roux A., Galea S., Simon C.P., Editors, Growing

Inequality: Bridging Complex Systems, Health Disparities, and Population Health. Oxford


Osgood N, Yee K, An W, Grassmann W. 2015. “Addressing Dynamically Complex Decision

Problems Using Decision Analysis and Simulation” In Rahmandad et al., Analytical Handbook

for Dynamic Modelers, Cambridge MA. MIT Press. November 13, 2015. Pages 277-306.

(Application to West Nile virus control).

Osgood N, Liu J. 2015. “Combining Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approaches and Dynamic

Modeling” in Rahmandad et al., Analytical Handbook for Dynamic Modelers. Cambridge MA.

MIT Press. November 13, 2015. Pages 125-170. (Application to communicable disease control).

Osgood, N. 2014. “System Dynamics Modeling for Tobacco Control: A Brief Introduction”.

Section on Simulation Models for Tobacco Control [Paper-length subsection on System

Dynamics Models]. 2014 50th Anniversary Surgeon General’s Report, The Health Consequences

of Smoking: 50 Years of Progress.

Urban J.B., Osgood N., Okamoto J., Mabry P., Lich K.H. 2012. Developmental Systems Science:

Extending Developmental Science with Systems Science Methodologies in Handbook of

Developmental Systems Theory and Methodology, P.C.M. Molenaar, K.M. Newell, & R.M.

Lerner (Editors), New York, Guilford Press. 49pp.

Papers in Refereed Journals

Rafferty E., McDonald W., Osgood N.D., Qian W., Doroshenko A. “Seeking the optimal

schedule for chickenpox vaccination in Canada: Using an agent-based model to explore the

impact of dose timing, coverage and waning of immunity on disease outcomes”. Acceptance by

Vaccine, October 23, 2019.

Dyck R., Karunanayake C., Pahwa P., Stang M.R., Osgood N.. 2019. The Epidemiology of

Diabetes in Pregnancy Among First Nations and Non-First Nations Women in Saskatchewan –

1980 to 2013 Part 1: Populations, Methodology and Frequencies . Accepted October 17, 2019 by

Canadian Journal of Diabetes.

McLean, A., McDonald, W., Goodridge, D. and Osgood, N., 2019. Agent-based Modeling: A

Research Strategy for Challenging Problems in Nursing Research. Nursing research.

Safarishahrbijari, A. and Osgood, N.D., 2019. Social Media Surveillance for Outbreak Projection via

Transmission Models: Longitudinal Observational Study. JMIR public health and surveillance, 5(2),


Seitzinger, P., Osgood, N., Martin, W., Tataryn, J. and Waldner, C., 2019. Compliance Rates,

Advantages, and Drawbacks of a Smartphone-Based Method of Collecting Food History and

Foodborne Illness Data. Journal of food protection, 82(6), pp.1061-1070.

Seitzinger, P.J., Tataryn, J., Osgood, N. and Waldner, C., 2019. Foodborne Outbreak Investigation:

Effect of Recall Inaccuracies on Food Histories. Journal of food protection, 82(6), pp.931-939.

Freebairn, L., Atkinson, J.A., Osgood, N.D., Kelly, P.M., McDonnell, G. and Rychetnik, L., 2019.

Turning conceptual systems maps into dynamic simulation models: An Australian case study for

diabetes in pregnancy. PloS one, 14(6), p.e0218875.

Fragoso, L., Paul, T., Vadan, F., Stanley, K.G., Bell, S. and Osgood, N.D., 2019. Intrinsic

dimensionality of human behavioral activity data. PloS one, 14(6), p.e0218966.

Obeidat, M., Liu, J., Osgood, N. and Klassen, G., 2019. Bayesian methods for time series of count

data. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, pp.1-19.

Paul, T., Stanley, K.G. and Osgood, N.D., 2018. Multiscale entropy rate analysis of complex mobile

agents. Royal Society open science, 5(10), p.180488.

Li X, Doroshenko A, Osgood ND (2018) Applying particle filtering in both aggregated and age –

structured population compartmental models of pre-vaccination measles. PLoS ONE 13(11):


Rafferty, E., McDonald, W., Qian, W., Osgood,N. D., and Doroshenko, A. 2018. Evaluation of the

effect of chickenpox vaccination on shingles epidemiology using agent-based modeling. PeerJ

6:e5012 June 20, 2018.

Ramsay DE, Invik J, Checkley SL, Gow SP, Osgood ND, Waldner CL. Application of dynamic

modeling techniques to the problem of antibacterial use and resistance: a s coping review.

Epidemiology and Infection 2018. [In press]. [2017 impact factor 2.044]

Roberts, N., Atkinson,J.A., McDonnell G., Osgood,N., Wutzke, S. 2018. Systems Modelling and

Big Data for Non-Communicable Disease Prevention. Oxford Bibliographies. February 2018. DOI:


Atkinson, J.A., Page, A., Prodan, A., McDonnell, G. and Osgood, N. 2018. Systems modelling tools

to support policy and planning. The Lancet, 391(10126), pp.1158-1159.

Feng, C., Osgood, N.D. and Dyck, R.F., 2018. Low Birth Weight, Cumulative Obesity Dose, and the

Risk of Incident Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Research, 2018. 9pp.

Katapally, T.R., Bhawra, J., Leatherdale, S.T., Ferguson, L., Longo, J., Rainham, D., Larouche, R. and

Osgood, N. 2018. The SMART Study, a Mobile Health and Citizen Science Methodological Platform

for Active Living Surveillance, Integrated Knowledge Translation, and Policy Interventions:

Longitudinal Study. JMIR public health and surveillance, 4(1).

Page, A., Atkinson, J.A., Heffernan, M., McDonnell, G., Prodan, A., Osgood, N. and Hickie, I. 2018.

Static metrics of impact for a dynamic problem: The need for smarter tools to guide suicide prevention

planning and investment. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 52(7), pp660-667


Safarishahrbijari, A., Teyhouee, A., Waldner, C. Liu, J., Osgood, N.D. 2017. Predictive accuracy of

particle filtering in dynamic models supporting outbreak projections. BMC infectious diseases, 17(1),

p.648. (Impact Factor 2.89).

Dyck, R.F., Karunanayake, C., Pahwa, P. and Osgood, N.D. 2017. The hefty fetal phenotype

hypothesis revisited: high birth weight, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes in a Saskatchewan

cohort of First Nations and non-First Nations women. Journal of developmental origins of health and

disease, pp.1-7.

Gao, A., Osgood, N.D., Jiang, Y. and Dyck, R.F., 2017. Projecting prevalence, costs and evaluating

simulated interventions for diabetic end stage renal disease in a Canadian population of aboriginal and

non-aboriginal people: an agent based approach. BMC Nephrology, 18(1), p.283. (2017 Impact

Factor: 2.289)

Osgood, N.D. and Paul, T. and Stanley, K.G. and Qian, W. 2016. A Theoretical Basis for Entropy[1]Scaling

Effects in Human Mobility Patterns. PLoS One. 11(8), p. e0161630. (2016 Impact Factor:


Doroshenko A., Qian W., Osgood N. 2016. “Evaluation of outbreak response immunization in the

control of pertussis using agent-based modeling”. Accepted July 17, 2017 by Open-Access Journal

PeerJ. (Partial impact factor 2.183; the new character of the journal meant that only 10.5 months of

data were used).

Stanley K., Bell S., Kreuger L.K., Bhowmik P., Shojaati N., Elliot A., Osgood N.D. 2016.

Opportunistic natural experiments using digital telemetry: a transit disruption case study.

International Journal of Geographical Information Science (2016): 1-20. (2015 Thompson Reuters

Impact Factor: 2.065; Estimated 5 year Impact Factor 2.212; Google Scholar gives 1 citation as of

August 2016.)

Tian Y., Lich K.H., Osgood N.D., Eom K., Matchar D.B. 2016. “Linked Sensitivity Analysis,

Calibration, and Uncertainty Analysis Using a System Dynamics Model for Stroke Comparativ e

Effectiveness Research”. Accepted by Medical Decision Making, March 15 2016. (Impact


Aiello, A.E., Simanek, A.M., Eisenberg, M.C., Walsh, A.R., Davis, B., Volz, E., Cheng, C.,

Rainey, J.J.; Uzicanin, A., Gao, H., Osgood, N., Knowles, D., Stanley, K., Tarter K., Monto, A.S.

“Design and Methods of a Social Network Isolation Study for Reducing Respiratory Infection

Transmission: The eX-FLU Cluster Randomized Trial.” Accepted by Epidemics, January 19,

2016. (2015 Thompson Reuters Impact Factor: 1.578; 5-year Impact Factor: 2.2)

Liu S., Osgood N., Gao Q., Xue H., Wang Y. 2015. “Systems Simulation Model for Assessing

the Sustainability and Synergistic Impacts of Sugar-sweetened Beverages Tax and Revenue

Recycling on Childhood Obesity Prevention in the United States”. Accepted October 20, 2015 in

the Journal of the Operations Research Society. (2015 Impact Factor: 1.225)

Marshall, D., Burgos-Liz, L., Pasupathy, K., Padula, W., IJzerman, M., Wong, P., Higashi, M.,

Engbers, J., Wiebe, S., Crown, W., Osgood, N. 2015. “Transforming Healthcare Delivery:

Integrating Dynamic Simulation Modelling and Big Data in Health Economics and Outcomes

Research”. PharmacoEconomics: 1-12. (2015 Impact Factor: 2.66)

Marshall, D.A., Burgos-Liz L., IJzerman M.J., Crown W., Padula, W.V., Wong P.K., Pasupathy,

K.S., Higashi M. K., and Osgood, N.D. 2015. “Selecting a Dynamic Simulation Modeling

Method for Health Care Delivery Research—Part 2: Report of the ISPOR Dynamic Simulation

Modeling Emerging Good Practices Task Force.” Value in Health 18, no. 2 (2015): 147-160.

(2015 Impact Factor: 2.891; Google Scholar gives 10 citations as of August 2016.)

Marshall, D.A., Burgos-Liz, L., IJzerman, M.J., Osgood, N.D., Padula, W.V., Higashi, M.K.,

Wong, P.K., Pasupathy, K.S., and Crown, W. 2015. “Applying Dynamic Simulation Modeling

Methods in Health Care Delivery Research—The SIMULATE Checklist: Report of the ISPOR

Simulation Modeling Emerging Good Practices Task Force.” Value in Health 18, no. 1 (2015): 5-

16. (2015 Impact Factor: 2.891; Google Scholar gives 19 citations as of August 2016.)

Trecker, M. A., Hogan, D. J., Waldner, C. L., Dillon, J.-A. R., & Osgood, N. D. 2014. “Revised

simulation model does not predict rebound in gonorrhea prevalence where core groups are

treated in the presence of antimicrobial resistance.” Sexually Transmitted Infections. Published

Online December 15, 2014. (2013 Impact Factor 3.078; Google Scholar gives 1 citation as of

August 2016.)

Sabounchi, N.S., Hovmand, P.S., Osgood, N.D., Dyck, R.F., Jungheim, E.S. “A Novel System

Dynamics Model of Female Obesity and Fertility”. American Journal of Public Health

Nathaniel Osgood Curriculum Vitae as of December 1, 2019 104(7):1240-6. (July 2014). (2013 Impact factor

4.229; Google Scholar gives 14 citations as of August 2016.)

Vickers D, Osgood ND. 2014. “The Arrested Immunity Hypothesis in an

Immunoepidemiological Model of Chlamydia Transmission”. Theoretical Population Biology 93

(2014): 52-62. (2012 Impact Factor 2.351; Google Scholar gives 2 citations as of August 2016.)

Dyck R., Jiang Y., Osgood N.D. 2014. “The Long Term Risks of End Stage Renal Disease and

Mortality among First Nations and non-First Nations People with Youth-Onset Diabetes”.

Published Online 30, 2014 in Canadian Journal of Diabetes. Chosen as the winner of the

Canadian Diabetes Association/Diabetes Educator Section 2015 Brian Dufton Memorial Manuscript

Award. (2015 Impact Factor: 2.509; Google Scholar gives 6 citations as of August 2016.)

Jiang Y., Osgood N., Lim H., Stang M.R., Dyck R. 2014. “Differential mortality and the excess

burden of end-stage renal disease among First Nations people with diabetes mellitus: a

competing-risks analysis”. Canadian Medical Association Journal 186.2 (2014): 103-109. (2014

Impact Factor: 6.7; Google Scholar gives 12 citations as of August 2016.)

Tian Y., Osgood N.D., Al-Azem A, Hoeppner V. “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Contact

Tracing on Tuberculosis Outcomes in Saskatchewan Using Individual-Based Modeling.” Health

Education & Behavior 40.1 suppl (2013): 98S-110S. (Impact Factor 1.682; 5-year IF 2.663;

Google Scholar gives 4 citations as of August 2016.)

Lich, K.H, Ginexi, E. M., Osgood, N.D., Mabry, P.L. 2013. “A Call to Address Complexity in

Prevention Science Research”. Prevention Science, June 2013, 14(3): 279-289. (2011 Impact

Factor 2.634; Google Scholar gives 26 citations as of August 2016.)

Hashemian M., Qian W., Stanley K.G., Osgood, N.D. 2012. “Temporal aggregation impacts on

epidemiological simulations employing microcontact data”. BMC Medical Informatics and

Decision Making, (12)132, 20pp (plus figures). (Impact Factor 1.48; Open access; Google

Scholar gives 3 citations as of August 2016.)

Hashemian, M., Stanley, K., Osgood, N. 2012. “Leveraging H1N1 infection transmission

modeling with proximity microdata”. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 12(36).

39pp. (Impact Factor 1.48; Open access; Google Scholar gives 8 citations as of August 2016.)

Dyck, R.F., Osgood, N., Gao, A., Stang, M.R. 2012. “The Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus

Among First Nations and Non-First Nations Children”. Canadian Journal of Diabetes. 36(1).

pp19-24. (Thompson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2015 Impact Factor: 2.509; Google

Scholar gives 11 citations as of August 2016.)

Dyck, R.F., Bingham, W.T., Lim, H., Jiang, Y., and Osgood N.D. 2011. “Decreased Urine

Albumin: Creatinine Ratios in Infants of Diabetic Mothers: Does Exposure to Diabetic

Pregnancies Alter Fetal Renal Development?” Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and

Disease. 2(5), pp. 265-271. (2015 Impact Factor: 1.733; Google Scholar gives 2 citations as of

August 2016.)

Urban, J., Osgood, N., Mabry, P. 2011. “Developmental Systems Science: Exploring the

Application of Non-Linear Methods to Developmental Science Questions”. Research in Human

Development. 8(1) pp1-25. Winter 2011. 25pp. (2010 Impact factor 1.593; Google Scholar

gives 39 citations as of August 2016.)

Osgood, N., Mahamoud, A., Hassmiller-Lich, K., Tian, Y., Al-Azem, A., Hoeppner, V.

“Estimating the Relative Impact of Early-Life Infection Exposure on Later-Life Tuberculosis

Outcomes in a Canadian Sample”. 2011. Research in Human Development. 8(1). pp26-47.

Winter 2011. 22pp. (2010 Impact factor 1.593; Google Scholar gives 8 citations as of August


Osgood, N., Dyck, R., Grassmann, W. 2011. “The Inter- and Intra-generational Impact of

Gestational Diabetes on the Epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes”. American Journal of Public Health.

101(1). January 2011. pp. 173-179. 7pp. (2008 impact factor 4.241; Google Scholar gives 52

citations as of August 2016.).

Dyck, R.F., Osgood, N., Lin, T.H., Gao, A., Stang, M.R. 2010. “End Stage Renal Disease Among

People with Diabetes: A Comparison of First Nations People and Other Saskatchewan Residents

from 1981 to 2005”. Canadian Journal of Diabetes. 34(4). December 2010. 8pp. (Thompson

Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2015 Impact Factor: 2.509; Google Scholar gives 16 citations

as of August 2016.)

Lim, H., Zhang, X., Dyck, R., Osgood, N. 2010. “Methods of Competing Risks Analysis of End Stage Renal

Disease and Mortality among People with Diabetes”. BMC Medical Research

Methodology, 10(97), October 21, 2010. 22pp. (Impact factor 2.30; Google Scholar gives 25

citations as of August 2016.)

Lich, K.H., Osgood, N.D., Mahamoud, A. 2010. “Using System Dynamics Tools to Gain Insight

into Intervention Options Related to the Interaction Between Tobacco and Tuberculosis”. Global

Health Promotion. 17(1) Supplement 07-20. 16pp. (plus tables & figures). (2015 Impact factor

1.011; Google Scholar gives 11 citations as of August 2016.)

Vickers, D., Osgood, N.* 2010. “Current crisis or artifact of surveillance: insights into rebound

chlamydia rates from dynamic modelling”. BMC Infectious Diseases 10 (70), 10pp. (Impact

factor 2.54; Google Scholar gives 23 citations as of August 2016.)

Dyck, R., Osgood, N., Lin, T.H., Gao, A., Stang, M.R. 2009. “Epidemiology of diabetes mellitus

among First Nations and non-First Nations adults”. Canadian Medical Association Journal,

182(2), 6pp. (plus tables & figures). (ISI Impact Factor 7.1; Google Scholar gives 116 citations

as of August 2016.)

Vickers, D., Zhang, Q. and Osgood, N. 2009. “Immunobiological Outcomes of Repeated

Chlamydial Infection from Two Models of Within-host Population Dynamics”. PLoS One,

September 3, 2009. 33pp. (Both co-authors are my students; 2009 impact factor 4.351; Google

Scholar gives 9 citations as of August 2016.)

Osgood, N. 2009. “ Lightening the Performance Burden of Individual-Based Models through

Dimensional Analysis and Scale Modeling”. System Dynamics Review, 25(2).Spring, 2009. 24pp.

(2009 Impact Factor, 0.738; Google Scholar gives 13 citations as of August 2016.)

Brinks, M., Dwight, R., Osgood, N., Sharavanakumar, G., Turbow, D., El-Gaouhry, M., Caplan,

J., Semenza, J. 2008. “Health Risk of Bathing in Southern California Coastal Waters”. Archives

of Environmental and Occupational Health, 63(3). 13pp. (Accompanied by Editorial comment.

Impact Factor 0.29, Google Scholar gives 15 citations as of August 2016.)

Vickers, D. and Osgood, N. 2007. “A unified framework of immunological and epidemiological

dynamics for the spread of viral infections in a simple network-based population”. Theoretical

Biology and Medical Modelling, December 20, 2007. Volume 4. 26 pp. (Unofficial 2009 Impact

Factor 1.58. Google Scholar gives 16 citations as of August 2016.)

Turbow, D., Osgood, N., Jiang, S.C. 2003. “Evaluation of Recreational Health Risk in Coastal

Waters Based on Enterococcus Densities and Bathing Patterns”. Environmental Health

Perspectives (4), 598-603. (Thompson Reuters 2015 Impact Factor: 1.603, Google Scholar gives

50 citations as of August 2016)

Tengs, T., Osgood, N. and Lin, T. 2001. “Public health impact of changes in smoking behavior:

results from the Tobacco Policy Model”. Medical Care. 39(10), 1131-41. (2015 impact factor

3.081; Google Scholar gives 52 citations as of August 2016).

Tengs, T., Osgood, N. and Chen, L. 2001. “The Cost-Effectiveness of Intensive National School[1]Based

Anti-Tobacco Education: Results from the Tobacco Policy Model”. Preventive Medicine.

33(6), 558-70. (2015 Impact Factor: 2.893; 2015 5-year Impact Factor: 3.748; Google Scholar

gives 106 citations as August 2016)

Tengs, T., and Osgood, N. 2001. “The link between smoking and impotence: T wo decades of

evidence”. Preventive Medicine, 32(6), 447-452. (2015 Impact Factor: 2.893; 2015 5-year

Impact Factor: 3.748; Google Scholar gives 115 citations as of August 2016)

Invited Papers in Published Conference Proceedings and Abstracts

Nobari, T.Z., Osgood N., Nianogo R., Whaley S.E., Wang M.C. 2016. An agent-based model to

estimate the impact of increasing affordable housing on obesity risk in early childhood. Abstract

and Oral presentation during the APHA 2016 Annual Meeting & Expo. Oct. 29 – Nov. 2, 2016,

Denver, Colorado.

Kreuger K., Choi K., Qian W., Osgood N. 2016. Agile Design Meets Hybrid Models: Using

Modularity to Enhance Hybrid Model Design and Use. Accepted June 8, 2016 for oral

presentation and for publication in Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference.

Arlington, Virginia, December 11-14, 2016.

Kreuger K, Osgood N. 2015. Particle Filtering Using Agent-Based Transmission Models.

Accepted June 14, 2015. Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference. December 6-9,

2015. Huntington Beach, CA. 11pp.

Gao, A., Osgood, N.D., An, W., Dyck, R. 2014. A Tripartite Hybrid Model Architecture for

Investigating Health and Cost Impacts and Intervention Tradeoffs for Diabetic End-Stage Renal

Disease. Oral Presentation and Full Paper in Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation

Conference. December 7-10, 2014, Savannah, GA. 12pp.

Flynn T., Tian Y., Masnick K., Huynh E., Mair A., McDonnell G., Osgood N. 2014. Discrete

Choice, Agent Based and System Dynamics Simulation of Health Profession Career Paths. Oral

Presentation and Paper in Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference. December 7-

10, 2014, Savannah, GA. 12pp.

Zhang Q. and Osgood N. 2010. Summary function elasticity analysis for an individual-based

System Dynamics model. In Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference. December

2010, Baltimore, MD. 12pp.

Osgood, N. and Kaufman, G. “A Hybrid Model Architecture for Strategic Renewable Resource

Planning”. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on System Dynamics, New York

City. July 2003. (Only extended abstract submitted and published, not refereed).

Contributed (Non-Invited) Papers in Published Conference Proceedings and Abstracts

Fully Refereed Conference Proceedings

Qin Y, Freebairn L, Atkinson J-A, Cheng W, Safarishahrbijari A, Osgood N. 2019. Multi-Scale

Simulation Modeling for Prevention and Public Health Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

and Sequelae. SBP-BRiMS 2019: International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral[1]Cultural Modeling

and Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation; 9-12

July 2019; Washington DC, USA (2019).

Qin, Y., Edjoc, R. and Osgood, N.D. 2019. Effect of E-cigarette Use and Social Network on

Smoking Behavior Change: An agent-based model of E-cigarette and Cigarette Interaction. In

Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling

and Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (pp. 245-255). Springer,


Teyhouee, A. and Osgood, N.D. 2019. Cough Detection Using Hidden Markov Models. In

Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling

and Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (pp. 266-276). Springer,


Pu B, Duan L, Osgood ND. 2019. Parallelizing Convergent Cross Mapping Using Apache Spark.

In Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural

Modeling and Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation 2019 Jul 9

(pp. 133-142). Springer, Cham.

Mohammadbagheri, A., Lillas, C., and Osgood, N.D. 2018. Mathematical Modeling of HPA

axis using Particle Filter Algorithm. Oral Presentation and Paper in IEEE International

Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 2018. New York City.

Zahan, R., McQuillan, I., and Osgood, N.D. 2018. DNA Methylation Data to Predict Suicidal

and Non-Suicidal Deaths: A Machine Learning Approach. Oral Presentation and Paper in IEEE

International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 2018. New York City.

van der Kamp, W.S., Osgood, N.D. 2017. Multivariate Hidden Markov Models for Personal

Smartphone Sensor Data: Time Series Analysis. Oral Presentation and Paper in IEEE

International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 2017. Park City, Utah. pp179-188.

Shojaati, N., Andkhoie, M., Osemwegie, O., Osgood, N.D. 2017. MRSA Transmission in a

Personal Care Home Facility: A Spatially Explicit Agent Based Modeling Approach. Paper in

IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 2017. Park City, Utah. pp368-


Teyhouee, A. and McPhee-Knowles, S. and Waldner, C. and Osgood, N. 2017. Prospective

Detection of Foodborne Illness Outbreaks Using Machine Learning Approaches. Oral

Presentation and paper in proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Social, Cultural,

and Behavioral Modeling (SBP-BRiMS 2017), Washington, DC, USA, July 5-8, 2017. pp302-


Depping, A.E. Osgood, N., Kreuger, K. 2017. ‘They All Look the Same to Me.’ An Agent

Based Simulation of Out-Group Homogeneity. Oral Presentation and paper in proceedings of the

10th International Conference on Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling (SBP-BRiMS 2017),

Washington, DC, USA, July 5-8, 2017. pp60-64.

Qin, Y., Qian, W., Shojaati, N., Osgood, N. 2017. Identifying Smoking from Smartphone Sensor

Data and Multivariate Hidden Markov Models. Oral Presentation and paper in proceedings of the

10th International Conference on Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling (SBP-BRiMS 2017),

Washington, DC, USA, July 5-8, 2017. pp 230-235.

McLean, A., Osgood, N., Newstead-Angel, J., Stanley, K., Knowles, D., van der Kamp, W., Qian,

W. and Dyck, R., 2017. Building Research Capacity: Results of a Feasibility Study Using a Novel

mHealth Epidemiological Data Collection System Within a Gestational Diabetes Population in

Proceedings of the Information Technology and Communications in Health conference (ITCH

2017), published under the title “Building Capacity for Health Informatics in the Future”, Volume

234 of Studies in health technology and informatics, p.228. February 16-19, 2017, Victoria, BC.

Oraji R., Hoeppner V., Safarishahrbijari A., Osgood N. 2016. Combining Particle Filtering and

Transmission Modeling for TB control. Poster presentation and full paper publication in

Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics. October 4-7, 2016. Chicago,


Bhowmik P., Dutchyn C., Osgood N. 2016. An Aspect Oriented Framework to Applying

Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods with Dynamic Models. Oral presentation and short (6pp)

paper publication in Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation

(T MS/DEVS 2016 at SpringSim). Society for Computer Simulation International. In Press.

(Technical Co-Sponsor IEEE Computer Society). 6pp. April 4-6, 2016, Pasadena, CA, USA.

Paul T., Stanley K., Osgood N., Bell S., Muhajarine N. Scaling Behavior of Human Mobility.

2016. In Proceedings of GIS Science 2016 (published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science).

Montreal. September 27-30, 2016.

Safarishahrbijari A., Lawrence, T., Lomotey, R., Liu J., Waldner C., Osgood N. 2015. Particle

filtering in a SEIRV simulation model of H1N1 influenza. Oral Presentation and paper in

proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference. December 6-9, 2015. Huntington Beach,

CA. 12pp.

Esfabod, B., Kreuger K., and Osgood N. Gaming the Social System: A Game Theoretic

Examination of Social Influence in Risk Behaviour. Short paper in Proceedings of the 2015

International Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction Conference, April

1-3, 2015. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 296-301.

Bhowmik P., Osgood N., Dutchyn C. 2015. Improving the Flexibility of Simulation Modeling

with Aspects. Oral presentation and full paper publication in Proceedings of the Symposium on

Theory of Modeling & Simulation (TMS-DEVS). Society for Computer Simulation International.

In Press. (Technical Co-Sponsor IEEE Computer Society, and in cooperation Association for

Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Simulation). 8pp. April 12-15, 2015.

Osgood N., Liu J. 2014. Towards Closed Loop Modeling: Evaluating the Prospects for Creating

Recurrently Regrounded Aggregate Simulation Models. Oral presentation and full paper

publication in Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, Savannah Georgia, pp.

829-841. December 7-10, 2014.

Knowles, D.L., Stanley, K.G., Osgood, N.D. 2014. A Field-Validated Architecture for the

Collection of Health-Relevant Behavioural Data. Oral presentation and full paper publication in

Proceedings the IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics 2014 (ICHI 2014). pp.

79-88. Verona, Italy, September 15-17, 2014.

Knowles, D.L., Stanley, K.G., Osgood, N.D. 2014. Seddacco: An Extensible Language in

Support of Mass Collection of Health Behavior Data. Oral presentation and publication in ACM

SIGKDD Workshop on Health Informatics (HI-KDD 2014). 8pp. New York City, August 24,


Qian, W., Osgood, N.D., Stanley, K.G. Integrating epidemiological modeling and surveillance

data feeds: a Kalman filter based approach. Oral presentation and publication in Proceedings the

2014 International Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling and Prediction Conference (SBP14),

Washington DC, pp. 145-152. April 2-4, 2014.

Vendrov, I., Dutchyn, C., Osgood, N. 2014. Frabjous: A Declarative Domain-Specific Language

for Agent-Based Modeling. Poster presentation and publication in Proceedings the 2014

International Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling and Prediction Conference (SBP14), pp.

385-392. Washington DC, April 2-4, 2014.

Osgood, N., Liu, J. 2013. “Bayesian Parameter Estimation of System Dynamics Models Using

Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods: An Informal Introduction”. Verbal and poster presentation

and Full paper in Proceedings, The 30th International conference of the System Dynamics Society,

Cambridge, MA. 19pp. July 22-24th, 2013.

Qian, W, Stanley, K.G., and Osgood, N.D. 2013. “The impact of spatial resolution and

representation on human mobility predictability.” In Web and Wireless Geographical Information

Systems. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. Paper presented in the 12th International Symposium

on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS 2013), Springer Lecture Notes

in Computer Science, pp 25-40. 4-5 April 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Tian, Y., Osgood, N. 2012. “15 Things System Dynamics can Learn from Software

Development”. Verbal Presentation and Full paper in Proceedings of the 29th International

conference of the System Dynamics Society, St. Gallen, Switzerland. 18pp. July 22-25, 2012.

Meng, A., Osgood, N. 2012. “Design of the System Dynamics Longitudinal Analysis System:

Quantifying the Hidden Trajectories of System Dynamics Models”. Poster Presentation and Full

paper in Proceedings of the 29th International conference of the System Dynamics Society, St.

Gallen, Switzerland. 18pp. July 22-25, 2012.

Grassmann, W., Zhang, J., Dyck, R., Osgood, N. 2012. “A System Simulation Model for Type 2

Diabetes in the Saskatoon Health Region”, Poster Presentation and Full paper in Proceedings of

the 29th International conference of the System Dynamics Society, St. Gallen, Switzerland. 18pp.

July 22-25, 2012.

Hashemian, M., Knowles, D., Calver, J., Qian, W., Bullock M., Bell, S., Mandryk, R.L., Osgood,

N.D., Stanley, K.G. 2012. “iEpi: An End to End Solution for Collecting, Conditioning and

Utilizing Epidemiologically Relevant Data.” In Proceedings, The 2nd ACM International

Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Healthcare, June 11-14, 2012. Hilton Head, South Carolina. 6pp.

Dong, A., Osgood, N. 2011. “The Limits of Discrete Modeling Continuous of Individual

Dynamics: A Cautionary Tale from Immuno-Epidemiological Dynamics”. Accepted for

Publication as a full paper and poster presentation in the 29th International Conference of the

System Dynamics Society, Washington D.C. July 2011. 9pp.

Hashemian, M., Stanley, K.G., Knowles D.L., Calver J., Osgood, N.D. 2011. Human Network

Data Collection in the Wild: The Epidemiological Utility of Micro-contact and Location Data.

Full paper in Proceedings of the ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI

2012). January 28-30, 2012, Miami, FL. 10pp.

Schneider, O., Dutchyn, C., Osgood N. 2011. Towards Frabjous: A Two-Level System for

Functional Reactive Agent-Based Epidemic Simulation. Short paper in Proceedings of the ACM

SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI 2012). January 28-30, 2012, Miami,

FL. 6pp.

Tian, Y., Alawami, F., Al-Azem, A., Osgood, N., Hoeppner, V., Dutchyn, C. 2011. A System

Dynamics model of tuberculosis diffusion with respect to contact tracing investigation.

Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference. December 2011, Phoenix, AZ. 12pp.

Kongnetiman S., Fan, W., Walters P., and Osgood, N. 2011. Regional Economic Growth and

Municipal Financial Planning: An Application of A System Dynamics Model to Calgary.

Proceedings, The 29th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. July 2011,

Washington, D.C. 31pp.

Tian, Y. and Osgood, N. 2011. Comparison between Individual-based and Aggregate Models in

the context of Tuberculosis Transmission. Proceedings, The 29th International conference of the

System Dynamics Society. July 2011, Washington, D.C. 29pp.

Xue, Y., Osgood, N., Gutwin, C., 2011. “SILVERVIZ: Extending SILVER for coordination in

distributed collaborative modeling.” Poster presentation and full paper in Proceedings, The 29th

International conference of the System Dynamics Society, Washington D.C. July 2011. 15pp.

Hashemian, M., Stanley, K., and Osgood, N. 2010. Flunet: Automated tracking of contacts during

flu season. Proceedings of the 6th International workshop on Wireless Network Measurements

(WiNMee 2010), 557-562, 6pp.

Zhang, D., Bunt, R., and Osgood, N. 2010. The Achievable Cell Capacity in Cellular Wireless

Mesh Networks. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Mesh

Networks (MESH 2010), July 2010.

Zhang, D., Bunt, R., and Osgood, N. Capacity Bounds for Cellular Wireless Mesh Networks.

Extended Paper in Proceedings, 17th Annual Meeting of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium

on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems

(MASCOTS 2009). London. September 21-23, 2009. 8pp. (2009 Acceptance rate: 20%.)

Bateman, S., Gutwin, C., Osgood, N., and McCalla, G. (2009) “Interactive Usability

Instrumentation”, Proceedings, The ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive

Computer Systems (EICS 2009), Pittsburgh, PA. July 14-17, 2009. 10 pages.

Zhang, Q. and Osgood, N. 2009. “Local Analysis of Individual-based Viral Dynamic Models

with Eigenspace and Eigenvalue Elasticity Analysis”. Proceedings, The 27th International

Conference of the System Dynamics Society, July 2009, Albuquerque. 36pp.

Osgood, N. 2009. “Representing Progression and Interactions of Comorbidities in Aggregate and

Individual-Based Systems Models”. Proceedings, The 27th International Conference of the

System Dynamics Society, July 2009, Albuquerque. 20pp.

Osgood, N. 2009. “SILVER: Software in Support of the System Dynamics Modeling Process”.

Proceedings, The 27th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, July 2009,

Albuquerque. 12pp.

Osgood, N. 2007. “Using Traditional and Agent Based Toolsets for System Dynamics: Present

Tradeoffs and Future Evolution”. Proceedings, The 25th International Conference of the System

Dynamics Society, July 2007, Boston. 19pp.

Osgood, N. 2007. “Lightening the Performance Burden of Individual-Based Models through

Dimensional Analysis and Scale Modeling”. Proceedings, The 25th International Conference of

the System Dynamics Society, July 2007, Boston. 20pp. Substantially the same paper as the

journal publication in System Dynamics Review; the two published works should be

considered two versions of the same article.

Osgood, N. 2006. “Low-Dimensional Dynamics in Agent-Based Models”. Proceedings, The 24th

International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, July 2006, Nijmegen. 37pp.

Kureyabashi, R.*, Osgood, N.*, and S. Gillett. 2006. “Dynamic Analysis of the Long-Distance

Telecom Bubble”. Proceedings, 24th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society,

July 2006, Nijmegen. (*: First two authors acknowledge equal contribution.) 25pp.

Osgood, N. 2005. “Combining System Dynamics and Decision Analysis for Rapid Strategy

Selection”. Proceedings, 23rd International Conference on System Dynamics, July 2005, Boston.


Osgood, N. 2004. “Representing Heterogeneity in Complex Feedback System Modeling:

Computational Resource and Error Scaling”. Proceedings, 22nd International Conference of the

System Dynamics Society, July 2004, Oxford. 46pp.

Non-Invited Abstracts and Posters at Refereed Archival Conferences

Li X., Keeler B., Zahan R., Duan L., Safarishahrbijari A., Goertzen J., Tian Y., Liu J., and

Osgood N., 2018. Illuminating the Hidden Elements and Future Evolution of Opioid Abuse Using

Dynamic Modeling, Big Data and Particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Extended Abstract and

Presentations at the 11th International Conference on Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling

(SBP-BRiMS 2018), Washington, DC, USA, July 10-13, 2018.

Penz, E.D., Rana, M., Wu, L., Goodridge, D., Hergott, C.A., Tian, Y., Osgood, N., Sherin, T. and

Manns, B., 2018. Effect of Wait time to Treatment on Survival in Lung Cancer. Abstract in

Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society 2018 International Conference. In American

Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2018; 197:A7340.

Tian, Y., Onaemo, V., Stempien, J., Basran, J., Fast, G., Osgood, N. 2018. Simulation-based

Optimization with Mathematical Programming to Optimize Physician Scheduling in the

Emergency Department. Poster presented at WEDOC 2018.

Waldner, C., Pang, M., McDonald, W., Krueger, K., Gow, S., Erickson, N., Checkley, S., Osgood,

N. 2017. Agent-based models of AMR and AMU in a western Canadian feedlot and beef

processing facility. Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases. Dec 3-5, 2017. Chicago,

IL. Abstract and oral presentation.

Bethune, R. and Wu, L. and Goodridge, D. and Hergott, C. and Osgood, N. and Manns, B. and

Tian, Y. and Sherin, T. and Penz, E. 2017. The Clinical Benefit And Cost-Effectiveness Of

Adding A Smoking Cessation Program To A Simulated Lung Cancer Screening Program In

Saskatchewan, Canada. Abstract in Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American

Thoracic Society, and appearing in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Ca re Medicine


Tsoi B. Osgood, N. Tarrid J.-E., Blackhouse G., Oraji R, Goeree R., O’Reilly D. 2015

“Comparison of different approaches in modelling for the conduct of cost-effectiveness analyses:

a case in childhood flu vaccination.” Abstract and Presentation at the 37th Annual Meeting of the

Society for Medical Decision Making. St. Louis, Missouri. October 18 – 21, 2015.

Dong, A., Osgood, N.D., Horsch, M.C. 2011. “Probabilistic inference of pathways of infection.

Abstract and Poster Presentation at Epidemics 3: Third International Conference on Infectious

Disease Dynamics.” Boston, MA. 29th November – 2nd December, 2011.

Al-Azem, A., Hoeppner, V., Osgood, N. 2010. “Social Network Analysis (SNA) advantages in

tuberculosis (TB) control in high TB incidence community in Saskatchewan.” INSNA Sunbelt

XXX (Trento, Italy). July, 1 2010.

Hassmiller-Lich, K., Osgood, N., and Dyck, R. 2009. “Why we must care about the effects of

diabetes and smoking on TB and what else we most need to learn”. Poster presentation and

Abstract in Proceedings, 40th Union World Conference on Lung Health. Cancun, Mexico.

December 3-9, 2009.

Dyck, R., Osgood, N., Lin, T. and Gao, A. 2009. “Epidemiology of diabetes in Saskatchewan

adults from 1980-2005: a Comparison of First Nations People and Other Saskatchewan

Residents”. Presentation and Abstract in Proceedings, 20th World Diabetes Congress. Montreal.

October 18-22, 2009. (This abstract summarizes findings from our CMAJ paper, and should

be viewed as two components of the same contribution.)

Osgood, N., Dyck, R., and Grassmann, W. 2009. “Simulation Model of the Intra- and Inter-Generational Impact of

Gestational Diabetes on the Diabetes Epidemic in Saskatchewan First

Nations People”. Poster presentation and Abstract in Proceedings, 20th World Diabetes Congress.

Montreal. October 19-20, 2009.

Karanfil, Ö., Finegood, D., Osgood, N. “A System Dynamics Model of Body Weight Regulation

and Obesity”. Poster presentation and Abstract in Proceedings of the 27th International

Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Albuquerque. July 26-30, 2009

Osgood, N. 1999. Beyond Markov: A system dynamics model of national tobacco policy.

Poster presentation at the Society for Medical Decision Making Annual Meeting. Reno, NV.

October 1999